The Smart Business Growth Manifesto

Insight Equity

What is this all about?

There is no shortage of internet advice on how to best to grow a business. Some advice is quite good, while some we find self-serving, shortsighted or even scammy. 

Over the past decade in the trenches of advising businesses and taking every opportunity to learn from business leaders smarter than us, , we've developed a philosophy that guides how we approach business growth. These are the foundational beliefs that guide everything we do. 

We think there is a smarter way to grow your business. This is how you do it. 

The Smart Business Growth Manifesto

I am an entrepreneur and business owner. Yes, I don't have the certainty of a stable paycheck. Yes my friends and family at various times have called me crazy (I've often thought so myself) but I have the freedom to change the world one sale at a time. I believe in delivering massive value before asking for anything in return and always giving more than I take. I recognize that 80% of my profits come from 20% of my customers - these are my VIPs and I focus on keeping them delighted. I believe that business keeps getting more complex and I can't do everything myself. I recognize that I must reach customers both online and offline - neglecting one can lead me to failure. I believe that I alone am responsible for the success of my business, not the economy, not my competitors, not my friends or family. I believe in action over stagnation. I believe that the impact of small incremental changes is undervalued - an increase of 1% per week results in a 67% compounded return at the end of the year and more than 181% after two years. I believe I have a responsibility to serve my customers and to act in their best interest. I don't take this responsibility lightly. I recognize the value of mentors/experts in shortcoming the growth curve; I do this by standing on the shoulders of giants, not reinventing the wheel and taking the path of least resistance. I believe time is the most precious resource - all else is renewable. I believe it's my responsibility to ensure every dollar I have, every ad I run, every process I have is performing as best as it can. If an ad is converting at 1%, imagine the value if I can get it to convert at 2%. If the average purchase is $100, why not $200? I believe that by tolerating mediocrity and underperformance, I am stealing from myself and limiting the positive impact I can make on my clients and the world. I believe the market is not finite and there is more than enough money for everyone. There are always more people who would benefit from my product or service - they just may not realize it yet. I believe not in competing for a small slice of the pie, but in making the pie bigger. I respect my competitors and can learn a lot from them. I invest intelligently - in myself and my business and my marketing. Where I can spend a dollar and get two back, I will invest happily and willingly to maximize my impact. While I recognize the need to control expenses, I will apply just as much, if not more effort to increasing revenues. My ability to control costs is limited, but my ability to sell more is unlimited. I recognize that it is much easier and less expensive to sell to an existing customer than a new customer. It's not enough to focus on an adequate core product/service. A so-so customer experience leads to so-so results. I realize that just a few small changes can lead to a wow client experience. I’ve come to realize that being a business owner is one of the loneliest professions out there. I believe in working "on" the business more than "in" the business, although being wrapped up in the business can make it difficult to keep perspective. I believe in cultivating long-term loyal customer relationships over one time sales. I believe in optimization, efficiency and highest and best use of resources. Why run an ad that converts at 1% when a few small changes could make it convert at two, five, or even 10%? I believe in education and honesty over slimy sales tricks. I believe that educating a customer is the strongest sales technique. I’ve invested my life’s time, money and energy into my business and am proud to enrich the lives of my clients, my employees, my suppliers and my family. 

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